Store API
under review
So we currently don't have a official developer API besides webhooks. We're looking to change that as the platform becomes more robust. I'm currently looking at options to make that happen and I want to know:
- What API calls would you need?
- What information do you need from the calls?
- What is your use-case?
Please try to provide as much information as possible, so I can get a clear picture of what implementing your idea would take to implement.
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Just a rough idea for a licensing integration (presumably oauth, scopes at your discretion):
- [Public with client id] License key endpoint - key status (active, inactive) product details (ID, variation), optional seller/buyer auth for additional information such as form fields.
- [Seller auth] Buyers list endpoint, optionally filtered by products - buyers' public name, email, purchases/licenses array.
- [Seller auth] Buyer by ID endpoint - get all licenses/purchases made by a user in a seller's store.
- [Seller auth] Seller's store events since date, optional filters for event type - providing similar info to webhooks, returned in chronological order since the date provided, used to process webhook-type data on demand, may be used to catch up on missed events.
- [Seller auth] Purchase/license management endpoint - modify (change product variation, change form fields and read/add/remove information stored in a key-value dictionary, for example a string hash of hardware information for software only activatable on a single machine per purchase), revoke, renew (revoke license and generate new one, "renewed_as" property pointing to the new license)/refund (likely under a different scope, automatic refunds could be made possible if a licensing implementation keeps digital content from being accessed before a key is used for the first time).
- [Buyer auth] Inventory - listing all purchased products, license key array for each product (for multiple purchases, should include information such as product variation, form fields).
under review