The collaborators system lacks feedback for collaborators, I believe that the following events should have email notifications (with options to turn them on or off individually, similarly to the options currently provided to creators):
* Added as collaborator to a product (should include what creator did so, the product name, cut amount and link to the product even if not yet listed)
* Collaborator split (and other settings if they exist) updated
* Removed from being a collaborator on a product
* Collab product sold (should state amount paid, what variation was sold if multiple are available, whether a discount code was used and for what amount, and the cut earned from the sale)
* Collab product refunded/chargeback (since it affects the account's balance)
A blocking feature should also be added to prevent the potential abuse of email spamming by adding/editing/removing others as collaborators (turning off the emails would be an option, except that it then keeps you in the dark about updates from legitimate collabs), blocking someone should prevent someone from adding you as collaborator and remove you from any existing collabs with them.
An alternative to a blocking system is to turn collabs into an invite system, where a creator can only send you one invite (by adding you to any of their products) and may only add/edit/remove you on products once you've approved it.